BASIC Ashwood template to make your bokken


BASIC Ashwood template to make your bokken

You’re feeling like Miyamoto Musashi and you want to carve your own Bokken: we offer here one piece of a Fitch Bay’s ashtree and dry now for 4 years. This piece of ashwood is ideal for a good start and ready to turn the momentum in your hands. Give birth to your own bokken is an initiatic gesture, quite important in the learning process of bokken fighthing. Moreover, it allows you to adjust the weight and balance and profile your weapon as you wish, depending on your needs.

You are not a sculptor? Use an electric sander and trust you. You prefer the rasp and sandpaper by hand? Why not!

Ashwood produce a strong and solid bokken for exercises with moderate hits. It is stronger than the commercial red oak bokken, and that any maple wood bokken.

You prefer that we make the job for you? have a look to the Nichiken Yamabushi bokken made out of White ash that we offer in the catalog.

Note: The price of this ashtree template is a little higher than the mapple one because it takes longer to select the right piece of wood in ashwood, and also wood is more dry.


Length: one piece about 41 inches.
Dimensions: about 1 1/4 inches x 1 inch
Weight: approximately 1 pound 1/4
Wood: From a Fitch Bay’s Ash tree

(Fraxinus americana). Dry now for 4 years.

BASIC Ashwood template to make your bokken
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(7 in stock)
Brands: Nichiken Yamabushi

Made and /or created by Nichiken Yamabushi. for special order.

Materials: Wood

Made from wood


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